Dementia Coordinator
Are you or one of your loved ones suffering from failing memory or dementia? Then you can get advice, support and guidance from the dementia coordinator and the memory team in the municipality.
The dementia coordinator offers facilitation, courses, assessment in collaboration with the memory team and the GP. The coordinator is a link between people with dementia and assistive devices.
What is dementia?
Dementia is a collective term for a group of brain diseases that lead to failing memory, ability to act and language function, changes in personality and behaviour. The problems can be complex and of a practical, physical, psychological, or social nature.
If you suspect that you, or one of your loved ones, is about to develop dementia, get in touch. The investigation is often carried out by a GP in collaboration with a memory team. Sometimes the examination is carried out at the specialist health service. It is important to get a diagnosis, regardless of whether the symptoms are due to dementia or another illness.
Who can get help
- People with suspected dementia who need a dementia assessment.
- People with dementia who need follow-up after receiving a dementia diagnosis.
- Relatives and friends of people with dementia who need follow-up/guidance.
The dementia coordinator can help
- Be accessible to people with dementia and their relatives.
- Offer individual conversations, relatives school and information about courses etc.
- Map help needs and participate in investigations together with the memory team and GP if dementia is suspected.
- Have an overview of relevant offers and services from the municipality.
- Offer coordination of services.
- Collaborate with relevant parties such as e.g. local dementia association, allocation office, the physiotherapy and occupational therapy service, the home service, day care, nursing home/care home, the specialist health service, and the GPs in the municipality.
- Help to find out which aids you can use.
Anyone who has a concern related to dementia, for their own part, as relatives or support staff, is welcome to get in touch.
You can also contact your GP.

Hannelore Schweitzer
Besøksadresse: Bygdabøen 2
5750 Odda
90 36 17 45